Capítulos libros

Active Ageing and Age-Friendly Communities: Constructing an Image of Old Age and Ageing

Active Ageing and Age-Friendly Communities: Constructing an Image of Old Age and Ageing

Fernández-Mayoralas, G.; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, V.; Sánchez-González, D.; Rojo-Pérez, F. En E. Pozo Menéndez & E. Higueras García (Eds.). Urban Design and Planning for Age-Friendly Environments Across Europe: North and South. Developing Healthy and Therapeutic Living Spaces for Local Contexts. Future City, vol 19. Springer, Cham.

Edadismo y COVID-19 en el mundo digital: un análisis en Twitter desde la perspectiva de género

Edadismo y COVID-19 en el mundo digital: un análisis en Twitter desde la perspectiva de género

Adá-Lameiras, A., Zorrilla-Muñoz, V., Agulló-Tomás, M.S. (2022) Edadismo y COVID-19 en el mundo digital: un análisis en Twitter desde la perspectiva de género. En Díaz Aledo, L., Sánchez Espín, J.A. & Ruiz Martín, I. (Coords.) La discriminación por edad de las personas mayores. Las múltiples caras del edadismo (pp. 84-96).

Older Women Images and Technologies to Increase Gender Peace in Crisis and COVID-19 Times

Older Women Images and Technologies to Increase Gender Peace in Crisis and COVID-19 Times

Zorrilla-Muñoz, V. et al. (2022). Older Women Images and Technologies to Increase Gender Peace in Crisis and COVID-19 Times. En: Gao, Q., Zhou, J. (eds) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technology in Everyday Living. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13331. Springer, Cham.

Development and Management of Cohousing Initiatives for a Friendly Ageing in Spain

Development and Management of Cohousing Initiatives for a Friendly Ageing in Spain

Rojo-Pérez, F., Sánchez-González, D., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, V., Fernández-Mayoralas, G. (2022). Development and Management of Cohousing Initiatives for a Friendly Ageing in Spain. En: Pozo Menéndez, E., Higueras García, E. (eds) Urban Design and Planning for Age-Friendly Environments Across Europe: North and South. Future City, vol 19. Springer, Cham.

Quality of Life of Older People with Dementia

Quality of Life of Older People with Dementia

León-Salas, B., Forjaz M.J., Rodríguez-Blázquez, C., y Martínez-Martín, P. (2021). Quality of Life of Older People with Dementia. En Fernández-Mayoralas, G. & Rojo-Pérez, F. (Eds.) Handbook of Active Ageing and Quality of Life. International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life. (pp. 135-146). Cham: Springer.

Technology, Gender and COVID-19. Analysis of Perceived Health in Adults and Older People

Technology, Gender and COVID-19. Analysis of Perceived Health in Adults and Older People

Zorrilla, V., Agulló-Tomás, M.S., Forjaz, M.J., Fernández, E., Rodríguez-Blázquez, C., Ayala, A., y Fernández-Mayoralas, G. (2021). Technology, Gender and COVID-19. Analysis of Perceived Health in Adults and Older People. In: Gao Q., Zhou J. (eds). Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Supporting Everyday Life Activities. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12787. Springer, Cham.

Aging and Brain Degeneration

Aging and Brain Degeneration

Dotti, C., y Rodríguez V. (2021). Aging and Brain Degeneration. En Herrera, E., y Esteban, J. (Coords.). CSIC Scientific Challenges: Towards 2030: Brain, Mind & Behaviour. Volumen 5. (pp. 96 – 105). España: Editorial CSIC.

Active Ageing and Personal Wellbeing Among Older Adults in Spain

Active Ageing and Personal Wellbeing Among Older Adults in Spain

Rojo-Pérez, F., Fernández-Mayoralas, G., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, V. (2020). Active Ageing and Personal Wellbeing Among Older Adults in Spain. En Maggino, F. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Cham: Springer